Thursday, January 31, 2008

Prisoners of Hope

I recently stumbled across the story that details the ordeal of two American women, Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer, who in the words of their supporters had a calling to 'serve the poorest of the poor.' This call led them to Afghanistan where they were captured and imprisoned by the Taliban, but eventually rescued by U.S Special Forces. Seeking to inspire others to 'seek a purpose greater than themselves,' these two extraordinary women wrote 'Prisoners of Hope.'

The title sparked my memory of a verse that my mother had highlighted in her bible, 'Return to your fortress, you captives who have hope. Today I tell you that I will return to you double blessings.' There's something about living a life of hope that seems impenetrable, that makes you feel momentary invincibility, even if you're overwhelmed.

I imagine that everyday, all over the globe there is a camp that succumbs to the effects of hopelessness and says 'yes' to despair occupying the places of their once guarded joie de vivre, but I also know that in another camp, there are those who make every effort (no one said it would be easy) to swim against the tide of increasing negativity and keep the flame of hope burning. My sincere hope is that in this latter camp, you will choose to reside and be a prisoner of hope.


Hope Worth Fighting For

Looking for new ways to inspire the world to KeepHopeAlive