Monday, February 16, 2009

Eternally hopeful

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is the present-that's why it's called a gift. If you can cope with the fact that those words were uttered by one of the characters from the animated blockbuster Kung Fu Panda (even though we know that scriptwriters are waiting in the wings with lines like those a dime a dozen), you have stumbled across a truth that will serve you well as you navigate through life's ups and downs.

Now-famous author Eckhart Tolle also speaks of 'living in the moment,' ensuring that each moment has it's own worth, even if the moment is filled with pain. While I find the notion of giving each moment it's own significance, I must acknowledge that giving particular moments some context(especially if they're filled with pain)gives me a little more perspective. Someone once spoke of HOPE being a Healthy Opinion of a Person's Eternity...and just how long is eternity exactly?

It's been suggested that if you piled all the grains of sand from all the shores of all the oceans, then got a bird to fly with a single grain at a time all the way to the moon and back (presuming it could), that when the bird had picked up every grain of sand and flown it to the moon...eternity would have just begun! Hope is deciding that individual moments, whether pleasurable or painful, don't neccessarily define us but, when put into the context of eternity, have immeasurable value.


Hope Worth Fighting For

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