Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Optimist's Dream

The optimist looks at his fuel reads a big glowing 'E.' That's ok, because to the optimist 'E' really stands for E-nough! There are many ways to define optimism, from the inspiring and deeply philosophical to the mind-numbing cliches (as demonstrated above), but what really is the optimist's dream?

Is it that a new peace will dawn without nations engaging in honest dialogue? Is it that the world's problems will, without giving them our best effort, shrink and fade away into oblivion? Perhaps the optimist's dream is that we will awake to a day where all our personal and political challenges are waved away with a new-found mystical chant.

History, my own and that of the young humanity we live in, proposes to me that these assumptions are far from the reality that fuels the optimist's dream. It is the very challenge, that when overcome creates even more room for positive energy to flow like a river bursting it's banks. It is the harsh circumstance threatening to destabilise one's hope, that when stared in the eye and refused as one's reality, brings what the Greeks call kratos-strength.

The optimist's dream is to look for and share new ways, as well as remember the sacred ancient ways to tap into life's strength, and bring fulfilment to each new day.


Hope Worth Fighting For

Looking for new ways to inspire the world to KeepHopeAlive